Episode 4: Head Lice Myth Busters

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Head Lice Myth Busters

Don't Panic. Lice Are Harmless

There a few common myths and misconceptions surrounding head lice. This can make it confusing when trying to work out how to effectively manage an infestation. The following myth-busting information will help you better understand head lice, and how to treat it. 

Myth 1: Head lice are a sign of poor personal hygiene because lice prefer dirty hair. 

False. In fact, lice don’t discriminate. They don’t care if hair is unwashed or clean. That is why it is recommended to check your child’s hair regularly to ensure it hasn’t been infested1. If your child doesn’t have head lice right now, you can still help prevent an infestation with MOOV Head Lice Defence Spray. The spray provides up to eight hours of defence against head lice, making it great for the school day. 

Myth 2: Head lice jump from head to head. 

False. Lice are tiny wingless creatures that cannot jump or fly. They only spread from close head-to-head contact or sharing clothing or haircare products, such as hair brushes, combs, hats and even pillows2. Adopt a no-sharing policy to help stop the spread!

Myth 3: Head lice are harmful and spread diseases. 

False. Head lice have not been found to carry any diseases3. Some children do have an irritant reaction to the saliva of the lice and this can lead to itchy skin and a rash. Skin can only become infected from scratching and feel irritable throughout the head lice life-cycle period. 

Myth 4: Head lice always cause an itchy head. 

False. Although an itchy scalp is often considered a good indicator of a head lice infestation, one study found that just over 35 per cent of children with an infestation reported having an itchy scalp4. Compare this to the 20 per cent of children without an infestation who also reported having an itchy scalp and you can see the problem. Since the majority of head lice infestations are asymptomatic, it is important that every member of the household be checked if a family member has head lice. This means adults and children. 

Myth 5: Head lice have become resistant to all treatment products. 

False. Head lice have shown some resistance to pesticides, but there are many treatment products that can be effective when used correctly. MOOV Head Lice Solution is one. It uses a combination of natural essential oils and is clinically proven to kill head lice and eggs5.

Now, armed with this knowledge, it will be easier to understand what can be done to help minimise the risk of head lice infestations. MOOV Head Lice Solution is easy to use, kind on kids* and Australian owned. 

Always read the label. Follow the directions for use.

Get The Facts of Lice

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* Only applicable to MOOV Head Lice Solution. Unless a doctor or pharmacist has told you to, do not use on infants under 6 months.


1.  A randomised, double-blind, comparative efficacy trial of three head lice treatment options: malathion, pyrethrins with piperonyl butoxide and MOOV Head Lice Solution [Internet]. [cited 12 Nov 2020]. Available from: http://www.techconsult.com.au/TCS%20Downloads/research+sept+07.pdf

2. Raising Children Network. Head Lice. [Internet][cited 27 April 2021] Available from: https://raisingchildren.net.au/guides/a-z-health-reference/head-lice

3. Global Health – Division of Parasitic Disease. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. [Internet] [cited 27 April 2021] Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/lice/about/head-lice.html

4. Global Health – Division of Parasitic Disease. Clinical observations related to head lice infestation. Mumcuoglu KY, Klaus S, Kafka D, Teiler M, Miller J. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1991 Aug;25:248-51.

5. MOOV Head Lice Solution: Greive KA, Altman PM, Rowe JS, Staton JA, Oppenheim JVM. Aust. Pharmacist. 2007; 26(9): 738 - 743